Provide a higher level of care for your clients.
Be reimbursed for those services through Medicaid.
We help Indiana home and community-based providers apply for, gain approval, and enroll as waiver providers. We assist with:
- developing customer specific policy and procedure packets required for specific waivers.
- completing and submitting application for approval
We specialize in assisting customers with applications for:
- A&D/TBI Waiver – Indiana’s Aged and Disabled (A&D) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waivers
- FS/CIH Waiver – Indiana’s Family Supports Waiver (FS) and Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver (CIH)
Complete the form to Get Started
In an effort to provide more care to individuals at their home or in community-based settings, Medicaid introduced the Waiver program. In the past, Medicaid only paid for long term care services that were delivered in an institution, such as group homes and nursing facilities. The waiver program “waives†the requirement of an admission into an institution in order for Medicaid to pay for the needed care services delivered at home or in a community-based setting.
What are Medicaid Waivers? Waivers are a part of the federally and state funded Medicaid program that provides for reasonable and necessary medical care for persons meeting eligibility requirements. Waivers provide funding for children and adults with disabilities to receive support and services in the home and community rather than in an institutional setting.
How is Eligibility Determined? To be eligible for the A&D or TBI Waiver an individual must need Nursing Facility level of care, meaning the person would be at risk of being placed in a nursing facility without the services provided by the waiver. The level of care needed is determined by the Area Agency on Aging based upon a physical examination and physician’s recommendation of home and community-based services. To be eligible for the TBI Waiver, a person must also have a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury. Age is not an eligibility determinant for either of these waivers. Family income and assets are NOT considered when determining Medicaid eligibility for a child under the age of eighteen who is also applying for a waiver.