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What Is an EVV “Aggregator” and What it Means to You

So you work in a state that has chosen Sandata as your state sponsored Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) solution, but you have no clue what this aggregator is or what it means to you. You are not alone. We have had the privilege of speaking with providers across the country both pre and post EVV live launch. We were shocked to learn that so many providers felt forced into state sponsored solutions such as Sandata. We were even more surprised to learn how convoluted the information providers were receiving from states and other various sources. 

So what is the aggregator and what does it really mean to you as a provider? 

Each time one of your employees clocks in and out of a visit where an EVV service was provided, the visit information is sent to the aggregator. The state uses this information in the aggregator to compare to the claims you submit for reimbursement – See this process illustrated in our recent post, ‘How EVV Impacts Your Medicaid Claims Payments’

This process is in place to prevent fraud and abuse and only applies to services requiring EVV.  Non EVV services do not get sent to the aggregator and are not subject to this comparison.

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